GSS7700 In Stock

Description: Multi-Frequency, Multi-GNSS RF Constellation Simulator

Part Number GSS7700
Category Industrial Equipment
Manufacturer Spirent

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Spirent GSS7700

The GSS7700 by Spirent is a RF constellation simulator designed specifically for evaluation and testing of performance of GNSS systems and devices in consumer and civil applications. With its cutting-edge technology and unrivaled features, the GSS7700 delivers a comprehensive range of multi-frequency RF signals that are emulated with multi-GNSS. With its feature-rich capabilities, the simulator allows for comprehensive testing and grants users full control over every feature in the operating environment of the GNSS. Additionally, its inherent repeatability enables consistent results, while the systematic errors application ability and incidents that cannot be replicated using real satellite signals further enhances its value.

The GSS7700 utilizes accurate models and techniques in order to produce navigation data and satellite constellation data parameters in line with the applicable Interface Control Documents (ICDs). Its advanced Dual-RF option and single channel utility facilitate multi-frequency simulation that is single channel, and the system offers in-field upgradeability to ensure the inclusion of primary GNSS capability and functionality. The GSS7700 also boasts True1 performance in various areas, including a 100 Hz SIR (system iteration rate) and HUR (hardware update rate), 3 mm pseudo range accuracy, zero pseudo range bias, and an impressively low <0.02 Rad RNS phase noise.

The GSS7700 allows users to customize their setups with selectable feature license keys. It offers three operating software options catering to different levels of testing requirements, ensuring compatibility with various scenarios. Moreover, the simulator allows for easy reconfiguration of constellation and signal settings, making it adaptable to evolving GNSS systems, signals, modulations, codes, and data. The GSS7700 is a compact benchtop unit equipped with an internal controller running the appropriate operating software. The single chassis of the simulator supports up to 4 generic channel banks and can support up to 256 channels, with signals from all banks being combined and fed simultaneously to the front-panel primary RF output and rear-panel high-level output. Furthermore, the simulator enables in-field RF channel bank hardware upgrades, allowing for future expansion, and boasts an impressive 100 Hz SIR for real-time testing.

The GSS7700's architecture empowers users with highly flexible GNSS signal generation capabilities. With the appropriate constellation feature license keys, each generic RF Channel Bank can support any number of constellation types within the same frequency band. This flexibility allows for dynamic configuration changes between different scenarios and even within successive runs of the same scenario, providing ultimate versatility. As long as there is a valid feature license key and an available RF Channel Bank with the required number of licensed channels, the GSS7700 can generate signals from any constellation at any given moment.

Main RF Port N-type Coax Female, 50 Ohm, VSWR <1.2:1
AC Coupled ±50 V DC, Maximum Reverse RF 30 dBm 
Latency 40 ms
Interference Transmitter (Per Frequnecy Band) 8 Maximum
Display Port Monitor Port
Approximate Dimensions 176.95mm x 235.2mm x 555mm (6.96” x 9.25” x 21.85”)
Typical Weight <15kg (33 lb)
Operating Environment 0 to +50°C (32 to 122°F)
(40-90% RH, Non-Condensing)
Altitude Restriction of 2000m
Electrical Power 100-240V, 5A Max, 50 to 60Hz


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